Add value to your property with a kitchen
Many an idea has come about by the question of what increases the value of your property.
Be it a sauna in the outdoor bunker at the bottom of the garden or an indoor swimming pool, what do the experts say and how much value does it add.
Adding a new kitchen is a great idea if you are wanting to add value to your property but how far do you go, this is the question?
With an average kitchen coming in at between £15k and £25k from kitchen companies, it’s definitely not a cheap venture. You can double the price and more if you want bespoke.
A Simple kitchen and natural colours can add value to your kitchen
There is no doubt a good-looking kitchen is an asset and will add value to your property. We all love to sit around in the kitchen talking, after all, it’s the hub of the house. It’s a place to gather up family, eat and share the day’s news, what we’ve all been up to.
We spend a lot of time in our kitchens so it’s no wonder we put so much thought and energy into what goes into the kitchen and about what we want and need.
The design is important and the colour scheme and above all your kitchen must be functional, practical, and friendly. It’s a fact many a good party has never left the kitchen floor.

How many of us actually consider what might add value to our property when pondering what we want in it and if the bright pink oven will stand the test of time. Whilst it might look spot on and your style today think about tomorrow. You have to give serious consideration to, will it sell your house or will it become the bane of your life and something that holds you back in the end.
German Kitchen
Some options for designer kitchens and German kitchens with the promise of state of the art can be twice that price and are bumped up by the top of the range appliances too.
The clean German design as shown is a quality kitchen and bang on trend if you are wanting an ultra-modern and stylish kitchen this is the way forward. Great for larger kitchens and houses where you are wanting to make a statement, the value in return for this type of kitchen is good. It’s is an idea to shop about prices.
In a smaller property, the space in this type of kitchen is usually premium and a lot of planning needed to fit appliances into places suitable for a smaller type kitchen where worktop space its essential and space is limited. However, it’s not always good practice to go cheaper on appliances as this can be a false economy.
The art is getting the best you can afford but don’t overdo it, put a limit on your spend and keep control whilst aiming to increase your financial return.
If you are good at DIY you can go down this route you will save money and possibly get a bargain out there, but beware the finished look of the kitchen, this is what gives your kitchen full impact and wow factor in the end and actually adding to the property value.
Ex-display is often the top-end kitchens with top of the range appliances, that more often than not come as a job lot with everything on display included.
You can grab an ex-display bargain on eBay and Facebook marketplace or the shop its self.
Value Items
Value carcass and cabinets from Diy stores can save you money, after all, you only see the cupboard when they are opened. Choosing on-trend doors or classic doors for a timeless look to finish off to add the value.
Your door furniture and handles they need to look good or you lose the whole effect.

You can keep the cost down, when choosing your worktops whilst still adding value to your property, for instance, by looking for cheaper worktops rather than the top end onyx or granite. There are some very good laminate imitations you can save a huge chunk of money and they can look amazing.
Appliances need to be of good quality. It’s good to choose well-known brands, do your research so you get a good price there are a lot of comparison companies you can search online for the best value.
You also don’t want to be replacing items quickly and this then becomes a false economy.
Tiles can make a kitchen look good or bad. If your tiles are cracked and grout looks dirty then they will need the grout taking out and new grouting adding. The cracked tiles need replacing or if this is not possible then the kitchen will need a whole new revamp in the tile department.
Old grubby tiles most definitely knock down the value of a property.
Good quality looking tiles can make your kitchen look clean tidy and expensive with less effort and a little bit of knowledge.
The photo shows grey and silver tiles; see how they lift the kitchens glamour and add light-reflecting pieces which catch the eye.
The quality of appliances is a plus factor to consider if you are wanting to add value to your property.

There are also some fabulous new products now available, for instance, quality Quooker taps available in many finishes, these look great, very trendy eco-friendly and saving money as they only heat the water as you use it. The bonus is you get instant boiling water.
Push up plug sockets are also a nice addition to your modern kitchen they look so neat concealed in the worktops, press on the top of one and it pops up to give you five plug sockets you can instantly access.
Consider your colour scheme, paler clean colours like white, pale greys and creams will be timeless and give a calming effect.
Pinks and lime green are great if you are developing your forever home but if you want to add value and eventually sell stay with calmer tranquil colours.
The colours can make a kitchen warmer or cold looking and uninvited.
A well-planned kitchen can add appeal and save energy go green where you can. AA+ appliances are appealing to buyers and save energy cutting bills, also appealing.

Should you extend the kitchen
The potential value added for an extension would be around 15%
By extending you can improve the width or length of your existing kitchen and this alone will add value.
The plus factor will also mean that by default extending will allow you to improve the layout and increase valuable space double whammy!!
Of course, you will need an architect and building regulations to comply to and applications to do this and there are limits. Once you have committed the overhaul benefits will be well worth the inconvenience in the long run!!